For what we do not YET have...

This has been our most recent focus..."But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently." Romans 8:25 Not gonna lie, I sometimes have to check myself on the "patient" part, but the "yet" in this scripture gives me the bumps; the good kind.

Our journey these past couple of years has been a long one; emotionally and physically exhausting. But how great are His promises? "...we hope for what we do not YET have." I have been reminded daily of the yet, and as I stated in earlier posts, "our hopes endures." I can't help but allow my faith to rest in those words.

So here we are, waiting for our YET...praying for our YET.

As most know, we are now in the midst of our fourth month on fertility. While on the meds, my ovaries are overstimulated in hopes of producing a mature egg. Month one was disappointing, not producing any eggs. Month two and three, somewhat better luck. I produced one egg during those months. Month three was much more mature. Knowing that "it only takes one" we hoped for the best and asked our prayer warriors to man their stands. I know God listens every month, he answered differently this month. 

Today was our 14 day sonogram, otherwise noted by my best friend, the "egg hunt." :)  ( My doctor was out of town so we had to go to the hospital for our appointment. As we waited in the room I said a quick prayer and reassured my sweet husband..."This is our month. Get ready for Baby Ginn." The ultrasound girl was precious, she didn't realize what my appointment was for until we started talking of our history and I told her we were looking for follicles. I went on to tell her our warriors were praying for big numbers this month, so be sure to not disappoint. I wasn't prepared for what she said next...

"Tell them the prayers worked. I see atleast eight in your right ovary, and ten in your left." Cue the chill bumps...yup, just got 'em again! I sat up to look and there they were. All our lil' hopes on one screen. She pointed to them as she counted. And for every one she counted, my thoughts screamed "Lil' Miracle One, Lil' Miracle Two...Eight, Nine, Ten." I couldn't even believe it...but then again, why not? We serve an ever so faithful God right? And He's preparing us for our YET

My sweet husband...I get tickled just thinking about the look on his face as he watched her count. His reaction, "We need to get some bunk beds." :)

So we now again, wait. And try ever so earnestly to do it "patiently." Will this be the month for Baby Ginn? It's not a definite. But do we serve a Father faithful to His promises? Most definitely. Our YET is in the get ready for it. 


  1. Oh, sweet Hillary, I don't even have words right now, but I knew I had to respond to this post the minute I read it.

    "Great is Thy Faithfulness..." is exploding from my heart! I am beyond happy because of hope for you and your little family. The Stones are still praying and rejoicing! xoxo

  2. Oh I am so overjoyed! What a PERFECT post! So many are praying and love you guys. Stay encouraged!! God's got much in store...I just know it! OH, how I love you! Praying, praying, praying!!

  3. Hang in there my sweet friend! God is in control. His timing is perfect. I had a hard time with the "be still and know." The patience part was not my friend. It took 5 IUI's (1 year) and 2 IVF's for my little miracle to come. But let me tell you - patience is a WONDERFUL thing! I have a perfect, little Angel because of all the waiting... while I would have named any other little girl "Hannah" if we'd been pregnant, none would be MY Hannah... God is so perfect and so is His timing!

    Lots and lots and lots of prayers coming!

  4. This time its different, I could hear it in your voice when I spoke with you on Tuesday. God has restored hope in you, hold on to that feeling it is one wonderful gift. I love you and am praying for Baby Ginn.

  5. Hi! I am friends with Aimee Weathers and saw you were following her blog. I was looking at the followers and was led to click on your picture (though I have no idea who you are) and see if your blog was public. Yea! It was so I read your June 24 posting and I felt compelled to comment here. I don't know where you are right now in terms of Baby Ginn. My husband and I did two rounds of IVF in order to have our son, Nathan, who is now 10 months old. I tell this to hopefully encourage you to continue to trust in God. He is sovereign. Praying for you and your family.


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